
Decorating Den WestChester, NY

Checklists can overwhelm the best of us in September as we fall back into order with vacations behind us, kids back in school and work in full gear.  Shifting into fall can often shed light on the interior of our homes and allow us to notice areas for improvement. Making a list of problem areas now allows you time to make improvements before the holiday season begins and your home is too full to fix! So keep the list pad handy and make an assessment:

Are the walls and trim clean in need of a fresh coat of paint? Often what a home needs more than anything is a fresh coat of paint. Applying a fresh coat makes the home feel clean and new. But sometimes we want to switch the color up. So we suggest considering a shade shift to a more up-to-date color scheme. The neutrals we often use in entryways, for example, can be brought up to date easily by watching color trends. The trend in warm beige is continuing this year so finding key areas to apply it will allow you to update your home without totally renovating.

Is the upholstery clean and free of visible wear and tear? Upholstered items often take at least six weeks to deliver, so an assessment now can mean a new piece just in time for holiday visitors.

Are the rugs clean and positioned properly? Professional cleaning can produce dramatic results, bringing color and vibrancy even to a well-worn rug or carpet. While cleaning, be sure to seize the moment to relay your rug in proper alignment with the furniture.

Can re-positioning furnishings provide a better flow in the room? Sometimes it takes time away to see new possibilities and with your busy summer schedules, you’ll be seeing your home with new eyes this fall. Living room configurations can often be adjusted to create new traffic patterns; for example, drawing people in to have a seat, or creating more wall space by pulling a couch away from a wall and centering it in the room.

Does the lighting provide warmth and functionality? Lighting is often overlooked, but it is a key element in creating a welcoming home. With all bulbs in place and switches on, assess whether a room could use another fixture. It is often well worth the price.

Does my home reflect my family and me? Finally, ask yourself if it feels like home. Sometimes, we focus so much on keeping up with trends or home maintenance that we don’t allow room to express ourselves. Friends and family come to your home to take in your life, so let it be a reflection of you, and most importantly, a space that you enjoy.

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