Best Placement for Mirrors In Your Home

Interior Designer West Chester County, NY

In the Feng Shui world, mirrors symbolize wealth, health and happiness. The Feng Shui culture recommends certain places to hang mirrors to promote these ideals and gain the most positive benefits. In addition to happiness and wealth, mirrors are great for making spaces appear larger than they are, providing extra light or serving as a piece of art. Discover the best placement for mirrors in your home in a room-by-room breakdown:

  • Foyer/Entryway. Placing a mirror in your foyer is a no-brainer. Never hang a mirror directly across from the front door. Instead, install one adjacent to the door or above a console table. Mirrors help expand the appearance of small foyers and entryways and make them feel more open and inviting.
  • Living Room. One of the best spots you can hang a mirror is in the living room. If there isn’t a lot of natural light already flowing in your living room, hanging a mirror can create the illusion of a window. A mirror could also serve as the focal point of a living room. To do so, hang the mirror at a height where every member of your family can see themselves fully.
  • Dining Room. Dining rooms are another great place to hang a mirror. When the table of food is reflected, you are promoting wealth and abundance. In dining spaces, the bigger the mirror the better. To really reflect light all around the dining room, line two adjacent walls with mirrors.
  • Bedroom. Contrary to popular belief, mirrors aren’t supposed to be in the bedroom! According to Feng Shui practices, you should never place a mirror across from your bed or on the ceiling. The best placement for mirrors in the bedroom are on the interior of your closet doors or above your headboard. Wherever you decide to place a mirror in your bedroom, keep in mind that your reflection shouldn’t be the first thing you see when you wake up.
  • Bathroom. A lot of people hang mirrors in their bathroom without putting much thought into it. As a general rule of thumb, the mirror should never reflect the toilet. Install a mirrored medicine cabinet above the sink to completely avoid this issue.

When it comes to using mirrors in your home, get creative! For extra drama and illusions of space, line an entire section of a wall with a mirror and place a chest or buffet table in front of it. Place a mirror behind a lamp or light source for a dramatic effect. In rooms with dark paint or patterned walls, mirrors can appear as windows and break up the boldness. If any room has a view of your garden, find a way to hang a mirror to reflect the greenery.

Remember that mirrors are wonderful additions, and placing them in the right spots can create a more positive and peaceful environment. For more tips on mirror placement, contact Marina Colella today!

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